

In the home office garden of Why Comms are two honey beekeeping hives. A couple of weeks ago I set up a hobby business Curly Honey selling local, raw, pure honey in the Northern Beaches Sydney. The process of setting up the hives, managing the bees then extracting, bottling and labelling 23 jars of liquid nectar was incredibly satisfying.

For the past six months beekeeping has given me so much joy, ticking every box below:

  • ​It helps the environment.
  • It generates some revenue.
  • It’s a fascinating subject to study.
  • ​It passes on great lessons to kids.
  • It provides a great sense of community.
  • ​It’s relaxing and can calm stress. (Unless the bees are aggro!)
  • ​Improves pollination of garden crops and flowers.
  • It provides a healthy & delicious product.
  • It gives back. (I am doing this with 10% sales supporting the Green Carpenter Bee Conservation Project who are helping to save these native bees after being wiped out by the bush fires on Kangaroo Island).

It’s the hobby that keeps on giving! Check out some simple tips on how your business can be more sustainable here.

Our Planet Prince William

2019 was the second warmest year on record and the end of the warmest decade (2010- 2019) ever recorded.  Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere rose to new records in 2019. 

If you are a small business, it’s pretty easy to put in place a simple sustainability policy that will actually save you money and not cost the Earth.

Here are just a few ideas to get started with your move towards a Greener environment, that will benefit your team, be a great incentive for new recruits and encourage environmentally conscious customers to choose you over competitors.

  1. Put in place a recycling program for bottles, plastics, paper, metal, batteries, technology, lights, packaging for toiletries and cosmetics 
  2. Issue all team members with re-useable coffee cups
  3. Use water filters on taps, no plastic bottled water 
  4. Review all appliances and ensure they are energy efficient 
  5. Provide a bicycle storage area to allow for carbon neutral commutes to work & provide bicycles for use
  6. Provide an indoor composter, or worm farms for kitchen waste
  7. Update your light bulbs to be energy efficient 
  8. Update your energy provider to a clean provider 
  9. Stock the bathrooms with recycled and eco-friendly products 
  10. Plant a Tree for every sale you make via a registered charity
  11. Host beehives on your rooftop garden or yard with a local beekeeper

To take things to the next level, you need to start to measure and reduce your carbon footprint as a business. This can get more complicated, depending on your industry however here are a few starting points:

  1. Survey your team commute to work to measure the emissions
  2. Monitor your power consumption 
  3. Implement solar panels as your source of energy (there are Government subsidies available for businesses that make this super cost efficient)
  4. Introduce a carbon offset program 

If you’d like to take control of your environmental footprint, Why Communications can help you get started with ideas and create a storytelling strategy for your stakeholders. Get in touch for more information!